Red Alert 3 – Black screen on startup

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If you’ve just installed Red Alert 3 on Windows 7 then you may be presented with a simple black screen on startup, that just freezes there.

  1. Navigate to the Data folder, ie. C:/Program Files/Electronic Arts/Red Alert 3/Data
  2. Rename the Movies folder to “Movies.renamed”
  3. Start up the game
  4. Set your resolution to the same as your desktop
  5. Apply the settings and quit the game
  6. Rename the Movies directory back to “Movies”
  7. Start up the game and it should work


12 thoughts on “Red Alert 3 – Black screen on startup

  1. zaini

    how to set the red alert 3 just all can i set the resolution if i can see anything at the game????
    please tell me how,i’m dying to play this game!!!!

  2. zaini

    i got it man….. I found this out not 15 minutes ago: You need to open up your Steam library and check your game properties (right-click on the game and hit Properties), then click on the Set Launch Options button, and type in “-win” (without the speech marks), the game should then boot up in windowed mode.ahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!

  3. Anonymous

    wow thanks this worked… but now it wont start after i rerenamed it back probobly on my end though thanks lots 🙂


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